Friday, April 12, 2013

The Good, the Bad, and the Yellow

In high school I only had one suit. It was pretty standard issue as far as suits go and it served its purpose for a few high school dances, a wedding, and a graduation. After college things changed and now I have a whole arsenal of ties and bad addiction to collecting cuff links. But back then that one suit was all I needed, because at sixteen clothes were the last thing I was concerned with. I was more focused on cars, girls, and independence. My passion for driving has been with me since I was kid. At age nine I sat on my dad’s lap and drove our truck down an old dusty rural road. At fifteen I immediately enrolled in the school’s driving course and spent hours driving around New Orleans while the instructor, our head football coach, dozed off in the passenger seat. At sixteen, I stood at the doors of the DMV at six in the morning just so I could get my license on the day of my birthday. After that came a car and working endless hours washing dishes at a local restaurant to pay for fuel, tires, and parts. I tell you this because I read something very interesting last week in the news. Apparently today’s sixteen year olds are becoming less interested in driving and owning cars and more interested in social networking and owning new iPhones.

When I was sixteen I too had a cell phone, and believe it or not texting was around back then. But a cell phone was for roadside emergencies and it sat turned off, in the trunk, in a bag with the tools needed to change a flat tire. Also back then texting was dumb. It took longer than just calling someone and pressing the number seven over and over again to get to the letter R was such a waste of time, instead we just got in the car and drove over to see our friends. But things have changed and apparently now kids would rather spend money on a phone than a car. They can talk, see each other, and hang-out without ever leaving the house. Not to mention they never have to deal with the rising costs of fuel and insurance. But I think they could be missing out on the very fun and social world of driving. These days, you could just text the prettiest girl in school to chat over Facebook  but with the incompetence of the auto-correct feature it probably would go like this, “Whats up grill? I like yellow a lot.” Thankfully I grew up before smart phones so I just drove over to her house in my shined-up 1966 Mustang, and took her out for ice cream. And it must have worked too because we’re still together almost ten years a later. These are the kind of things that I’m afraid the youth will be missing out on. I was in car clubs, entered car shows, raced, worked at a hot rod shop, and rebuilt cars all before I graduated high school. Instead of being logged into a computer on Saturday night, I was at the Burger King parking lot having a chocolate shake with some old folks and their Bel-Airs, ‘32 Fords, and chopped lead-sleds. Now I’ll admit even for back then it wasn't the average teenager’s lifestyle, but everyone I knew did have their own mode of transportation or were at least struggling to get one. They also had jobs to pay for their cars and I think it forced us to be a bit more responsible had we not had the desire to drive. It also taught us the importance of maintaining something, how to fix things for ourselves, think on our feet while driving in rough weather, and even how to deal with the occasionally police officer.

I don’t know if I’m concerned over this news, however, because I would much rather the kids more interested in their phone not drive than text and drive. On the flip side what happens after college and they find they do need a car? Will missing out on six years of experience not make that big of a difference? Another concern, albeit small, is how this will affect new car models. Car companies usually offer a cheap, safe, and practically car for parents to help buy their kids, but what happens if the bottom falls out of that market? Maybe I’m still in shock that some kids would rather a phone than a car but I just can’t figure out if this is bad news or good. I do know one thing, it makes me feel old. What do yellow think?

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