Friday, September 21, 2012

The Introduction

The most familiar introduction to me is the handshake. This of course is followed by the “Hi I’m (insert name), it’s nice to meet you too (insert other name)” There used to be an importance to this type of introduction because it spoke volumes on the characters involved. If you were strong and self aware you had a firm grip and looked directly into the eyes of the other person. This is something that my father taught my siblings and me in hope of bringing us up successful children. While the handshake is still just as popular, the etiquette is slowly dissolving. I’ve seen people shake hands while not even looking at each other, a simple nod of the head instead of shaking hands, and skipped introductions all together while chatting with a mutual acquaintance. But this is the internet and I can’t shake your hand. I can, keeping with the times, start sentences with “But” and spell and as ”n”.

Being that this is the informal-introduction-internet anything can happen here. This blog might go for months and not get any readers or take off and become something special. Either way this is the plan. I’m going to write about cars (most of the time) every Tuesday and Friday. I’m beyond car crazy and it only makes sense that I resort to telling other people how car crazy I am. I like working on cars and I love driving. I’ve driven from Lake Michigan to the Gulf of Mexico, from Florida to Utah, down the 101, through snow storms and flash floods. Automatic, manual, autostick, three pedals, one pedal, a lever, two wheels or four it really doesn’t matter. I’ve driven everything from a 36 foot RV towing an 18 foot trailer to a Post-it sized Triumph Spitfire. I cannot honestly think of a place I am more comfortable than in the seat behind a steering wheel.

When I was in college I took a class on magazine journalism because I wanted to write car reviews for a major publication. Then I met an Automotive Journalist and dropped the class. Although he got to drive around in a new Porsche for three days he got paid in rocks and paperclips. During the three days I spent with him I found out that while he does get to drive great cars, he spends more time editing and rewriting in his cramped office/apartment. I gave up the dream and continued on my way to a degree in something I could make good money doing. However, I always found myself still wanting to start an entertaining blog or website about car culture. So today I pulled the trigger.

By the way my name is Matthew Bonno, nice to meet you.

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